Cyklopen is a self-built and self-managed cultural and social space in Högdalen, Stockholm. The house is managed as an urban common, and strives for more democratic ways to share and distribute resources, space and knowledge.
The house is managed through open assemblies that takes place every third week. If you want to become active please email [email protected] or check out our Instagram account which is almost always updated with our activities, find us @cyklopens.
If you want us to give a lecture/workshop about the house please email [email protected] We are happy to tell about the house, but if youre from an institution/municipality we want you to consider that even if everyone works with the house on a volunteerly basis managing the house costs and you should try to pay as much as possible. If youre a student we encourage you to first read about the house, and also to think about how to find formats for mutual cooperation.
We are determined to care for Cyklopen as a seed for social change, and as a place open for the missteps necessary for treading a path towards new, collective experiences and insights. Cyklopen is a resource for a city that is coming, where people, not profits, are at the forefront.
Since its founding, Cyklopen has never accepted any sort of permanent support from the state or other organizations. We are used to finding sustainable ways of running our centre, we are nevertheless no exception to others when it comes to the financial effects of putting things on hold. However, if we could work out a system of solidarity subscriptions – allowing those who are able to to transfer a given sum each month – this would greatly improve our capacity for collective readiness for the future.
Please visit and fill in the sum you feel comfortable contributing (at least 50 kr) each month. Doing a one-time solidarity transfer is possible as well. And we promise you, that once the Covid-19 threat is over, this will surely be celebrated by us throwing a big party!
If you are a member of a political network or cultural society that’d like to link up with us, we’d love for you to get in touch. Of course, this goes for those of you who’d like to join us in making possible a social centre powered by independence and volontary effort.
Warm regards,