11 december, 2015 kl. 22:00 – 12 december, 2015 kl. 03:00

Episk fukking hardcorefest!
fredag 11 december

Kl 22-03



Klubb DISTrikt har den feta äran att presentera inte mindre än:
ROB GEE (US), LISBENT (DK), Norrland Gabber Crew, Funky Tuna, Hyper Dead, Jonathan Plankton.

Peace, Love and Hardcore!

Rob Gee
Rob GEE is famous all across The Universe as “the hardest DJ to ever play the Limelight in NYC.” In the club’s early 90’s heyday, the versatile GEE kept delirious audiences going through spinning at Limelight’s “Future Shock” dance/techno nights and performing with his live band as well as spinning at the club’s “Rock And Roll Church” metal/ rock/ industrial nights. The crowds kept coming back to Limelight, just like they did in Australia, Japan, Italy, Spain, Scotland, Austria, Hungary and Belgium to name a few. GEE is a recurring headliner at Sensation,Thunderdome, Mysteryland, and Love Parade, where GEE played before one million people. His diverse appeal keeps him performing weekly at all types of musical events and concerts. GEE has shared the stage with everyone from Hatebreed and Biohazard to Crystal Method, Busta Rhymes, Kurtis Blow, and Afrika Bambaataa. His GEEness has also has spun at many Slipknot and Korn after parties with his good friend, DJ Starscream a.k.a. #0 of Slipknot. GEE’s history of DJing and live performances shows his dedication of bringing the fusion of organic and electronic music to a wide variety of listeners. GEE’s love of hip-hop, hardcore, techno, metal and every other genre for that matter set him apart from the rest. While other DJs make tracks and spin records, GEE is an Artist who writes original songs. His indecisiveness as to whether or not he wanted to breakdance and spin hip-hop or jump in the mosh pit and play in a metal band was one of the reasons he began to cultivate his own style of both. Rob GEE is the only artist of his kind to collaborate and create with members of respected rock, metal, hardcore and hip-hop acts such as Slipknot, Hatebreed, Biohazard, Wu-Tang Clan, Cypress Hill, and System Of A Down (just to name a few) creating a unification of Rock, Electronic, & Metal as well any other style GEE chooses to use. The GEEsult is Rob GEE gabber music. Rob GEE says, “There are no boundaries in music” . GEE is writing history launching gabber into the scene of the galaxy……
“The Gabber Guru,” as GEE is known for his constant motivation of#PositivianVibes gained worldwide fame after the release of “Ecstasy You Got What I Need”. The song went Gold and was the #1 video on The Box for 13 straight weeks. At the same time, “Ecstasy” rose to #9 on the pop charts and earned him Best Artist, Best Producer and Best Song of the year at The Thunder Awards in Holland.

The GEE Man has recently enjoyed more worldwide success along band mates Neophyte and Tieum with their collective efforts “Coming At You Strong”, “Anxiety”, & “Rage With Pride” under the name “Riot Squad”. Rob GEE is still pushing solo success globally with his most recent hit “RIght Now”. GEE always with his open mind has enjoyed recent Hardstyle & Rawstyle bangers teaming up with heavy hitters like The Prophet and Adaro. While in the same breath has been rocking the mainstream airwaves collaborating with hardcore giants Noize Suppressor, Mad Dog, & Furyan.

Look out later this year, nu metal will meet hardcore in the studio ring when Rob GEE teams up with no other than Shavo Odadjian of System Of A Down.

Rob GEE won’t be stopped!!!!!!

The sound is 100% Rob GEE, which means eclectic, unexpected and completely unique.

Much #GEEspect & #PositivianVibes


Lisbent likes all kinds of abrasive tekno. When not talking to his knife collection, he cuddles with his vintage synths. Jack of all trades. Master of none. Devout worshipper of Hastur and viciously addicted to trance’ing on psychedelics. Music has been the result of these activities for over ten years. Freaks and fiends seem to take an interest in those sounds for reasons not really obvious to the uninitiated. His favourite synth company is Yamaha, and he likes the haunting presence of cats.


Norrland gabber crew
Från norrlands glesaste jävla glesbyggd kommer dom. Norrland gabber crew. Inget står i deras väg när dom sladdande i sina volvos och fajtandes med sina motorsågar plöjer sig igenom allt motstånd, ingen klarar av att stå still när detta hardcoretechnomonster får marken att skaka med sin öldränkta mäktiga mosgabber! den som haft oturen att missa dessa hårdkokta karlar live kan nu äntligen bli bönhörd och få sina livs drömmar att gå i uppfyllelse!


Hyper Dead
Hyper dead : Dödsgabbrarna i Hyper dead kommer bjuda på ett intensivt ösigt och hårt set, distrikts hårda kärna såg deras debutframträdande då dom körde sin debut ep tantric lifecycles live det var kort, det var hårt och det föll oss helt i smaken. Därför är vi nu väldigt stolta över att få släppa lös dom inne i cyklopen och låta deras psycore riva sig in i det som eventuellt finns kvar av era trasiga själar…


Funky Tuna
Funky Tuna is a hardcore DJ exploring both recent and ancient facetts of the genre. Fueled by boredom and numbness she wades through crates of vinyl to find the perfect tune with which to feed them dopamine receptors. Preferably frenchcore, tribecore, hardtek as well as oldskool rave and breakbeat hardcore. Her style of mixing is as her music: hard and fast.


Jonna Plankton
Jonna plankton var en av personerna bakom undergroundbreakcorelabelnpermanentsillsalladseizure, nu har han dock släppt det där med att vara skivbolagsdirektör och istället vevat igång grammofonerna och plockat fram sina mest riviga gamla dammiga gabberklenoder för att ge er en chans att visa hur man man dansar så hjärnan smälter ut ur öronen! GET MAD!!!