Anarchist/CrimethInc presentation about Anti-Police struggles

10 oktober, 2015 kl. 11:00 – 13:00

Anti-Police struggles in the U.S.
CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective


This presentation will focus on struggles against the police in the U.S. from 2009 to the present, with special attention to race, the left, and the right-wing backlash. We see these battles as centrally important to anti-capitalist resistance in the 21st century. Join us for a lively discussion of recent events and future directions.

Brunch will be served at a low cost by Kawsays Vänner.

ENG Kawsay Friends supports Kawsay in Ecuador and Bolivia. Kawsay is part of the indigenous movement and their projects is mainly about education in their own organizations. Their themes are mostly indigenous rights, organic small-scale farming and people autonomy. They also recover lost knowledge and produces own knowledge options as part of a radical decolonization. We are part of the network’s framtidsjorden that has a 90-account, 90% of all collected money is guaranteed to go to the purpose. All profits from the sale will be 10-doublled by Sida and go directly to Kawsay movement.

SWE Kawsays Vänner stöder Kawsay i Ecuador och Bolivia. Kawsay är en del av urfolksrörelsen och deras projekt handlar främst om utbildning inom de egna organisationerna. Deras teman är främst urfolks rättigheter, ekologisk småskaligt jordbruk och folkautonomi. De återhämtar även förlorad kunskap och producerar egen alternativ kunskap som en del av en radikal avkolonisering. Vi är en del av nätverket framtidsjorden som har ett 90-konto, 90% av alla insamlade pengar garanteras gå till ändamålet. All vinst från vår försäljning 10-dubblas av Sida och går direkt till Kawsays verksamhet.

Lördag 10/10 kl. 11:00