Magelugnsvägen 170
”Homo Femina: A dance and poetry film challenging the history of violence.”
”Dyk in i den kraftfulla föreningen av virtualitet och fysikalitet i filmen ’Homo Femina’. Genom dans och poesi utmanar den våldets historia i en fängslande föreställning som förenar det verkliga och det virtuella. Delta i festivalen och upplev en unik konstnärlig resa som bryter gränserna för det konventionella.”
Editor’s note: It’s great to follow exciting talent during their artistic journey. This is Marlen’s 2nd stint at the fringe! Welcome back!
Photograph: © Maxi Garcia
Awards & Achievements: Sponsored by PEN Argentina and the Secretary of Culture of the city of Rosario. Santa Fe. Argentina.
Distinctions: Declared of cultural interest by the Municipal Council of the city of Rosario. Decree 62, 084.
Declared of cultural interest by the Ministry of Culture and Education of the city of Rosario. Decree 167/22.
Declared of cultural interest by the Ministry of Sex and Gender Policies.
Partners: Support from government institutions in Argentina that are supporting the international diffusion of the project.