Onsdagspub speciale!

4/4 kl 18-23

Varje vecka är det onsdag och varje onsdag är det onsdagspub. Ibland bjuder onsdagar på något lite extra. Denna onsdag blir det superextra då inte mindre än fyra band spelar! OTTONE PESANTE, TALBOT, BARREN WOMB och JABBA.

18 år
Inget inträde men ta gärna med cash för donationer till banden som spelar.

Info om banden:


Coming from the Estonian capital of Tallinn, this two headed juggernaut has been conquering the world actively since 2008 with their special brand of sludgy post-metal. With Magnus Andre on bass guitar, synths, vocals and Evgeny Mikhailov on drums & vocals, TALBOT creates a unique sound all of their own. The duo’s soundscapes are equally massive, atmospheric and noisy, with a nice amount of psychedelia on top of it. They have previously released an EP ”Tundra” in 2008 and two albums: ”EOS” (2010) and ”Scaled” (2013). ”EOS” was nominated for the Best Metal album of 2010 at the Estonian Music Awards, while ”Scaled” won the award in 2013.

Music: http://talbot.bandcamp.com
Video: https://youtu.be/buz9vLCclfE
Facebook: facebook.com/talbotmusic/


Since their inception in late 2011, the Nordic heavy noise rockers have been raising both eyebrows and hell with their minimalistic approach, earsplitting volume and defiant experimentation. The duo, comprising singer/drummer Timo Silvola and singer/guitarist Tony Gonzalez, make efficient use of crude dynamics and the power of the riff to hammer their point across. They have previously toured the US and Europe multiple times, where they’ve shared stages with among others Entombed A.D, Voivod, Conan, NoMeansNo and Årabrot, and have played at festivals like SXSW, Tallinn Music Week, Øya and Pstereo.

Music: http://barrenwomb.bandcamp.com
Video: https://youtu.be/tSE5k_iPwAk
Facebook: facebook.com/barrenwomb


Commonly known as ”the only rock band in Tromsø”, JABBA, originally hails from the rural town of Sørreisa and have trough strife and struggle fought their way trough the harsh street life of this unforgiving northern settlement. After 10 years of backbreaking labour the duo have finally released their debut album, ”VICE” which is out now on Loyal Blood Records. JABBA could say they are inspired by bands like Black Sabbath, Motörhead, ZZ Top and Primus, which would be true. However, inspirations are many and can be summarized in only one word: Classy.

Music: http://jabbaband.bandcamp.com/
Video: http://youtu.be/7-O-oKA9DKc
Facebook: http://facebook.com/jabbaband/


One year after they released their first EP, which was the first step, Ottone Pesante (Heavy Brass) release the first album. That confirms that was not a joke, neither a divertissement. Trumpet, trombone and drums can be together really heavy. Ottone Pesante makes a step beyond the traditional idea of Extreme Metal, based on the sound of Bass and Guitar. They do this after 90 gigs in the last year, playing all around Italy and in Europe. ”Brassphemy set in stone” is the evolution of Ottone Pesante. Music has become heavier, more extreme and more technical but also melodic in the same time. The album is very fast and brutal, really impressive especially for brass players. ”Trombstone” is the only exception, a doom track that lets the listener breath.

Music: http://ottonepesante.bandcamp.com
Video: http://youtu.be/rAhZx7-8WYk
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ottonepesante/