

Ikväll visar vi filmen ”Ácratas”

About the movie/Om filmen:

”The documentary covers two cities, Montevideo and Buenos Aires, primarily in the 1920s and 1930s, and the men of action who migrated in from Spain, Germany, Russia and elsewhere during this time. These romantic gunmen committed their acts, not for personal gain but to fight against a regime they perceived as oppressive and repressive.
It focuses, in particular, on Miguel Arcángel Roscigna who was considered the most intelligent and reflective member of the ”expropriating anarchist” movement, as he always had a detailed plan of action before attacking. Correctly or not, the film shows him participating in famous events, such as the assault on Messina Change in Montevideo or escaping the prison of Punta Carretas in 1931 where, 40 years later, the Tupamaro gas attack took place (today, it is a mall.) The film demonstrates how the media of the time printed or broadcast sensational stories about the group’s activities, and dogged them. The documentary also shows how internal differences of opinion divided the group, and indeed many of his colleagues did not approve of Roscigna’s peaceful activities.”

18:00 Cyklopen öppnar.
19:00- Filmvisning
– 24:00 öppet för diskussion och allmänt häng
Bar,käk och allmänt häng fortsätter till midnatt.