Solidaritetsmåndag / Solidarity monday

11 november, 2013 kl. 17:30 – 10 november, 2013 kl. 23:00

The resistance against the airport project in Notre Dame des Landes

19:00: Documentary ”Notre Dame des Luttes” (60 mins)

About the documentary:
”The airport project in Notre-Dame-des-Landes is an attempt to impose a new spatial order where peasants and local residents have to make space for airport infrastructure, in the name of a public interest determined by political and economic elites. 
The filmmaker spent three weeks in the heart of the area ”Zone to Defend”, following the fight that took exceptional magnitude since the beginning of the police crackdown and especially the manifestation of reoccupation of November 2012. 
After one year the resistance is still alive.”

Diane, who suggested the topic to the group, will give a short introduction. After the film, again we prefer to keep it simple with discussions regarding the documentary and/or around solidarity along with some drinks and vegetarian food.

The bar will be open from 18:30 to midnight.