Kom och kolla på den här dokumentären om privatisering av vattnet i Grekland. Hon som gjort dokumentären kommer också och efteråt blir det föreläsning. Solidaritetsmåndag är tillbaka!
We are happy to announce that Nelly Psarrou who made the documentary Waterdrops (Stagones) will be coming to Cyklopen on 17 of November for a screening of the film and talks. The bar will be open and their will most likely be food available to cheap prices.
Reed more HERE
The title of this documentary could be TOMORROW’S WAR, TODAY. Through five destinations in Greece (Thessaloniki, Apopigadi, Eastern Chalkidiki, Asopos river and Volos) we show that the war on water is not a future probability, but it’s a reality familiar to some of our fellow citizens for many years now.
Water privatisation is the most visible and imminent danger our lives face, in an era where all common goods become targets of private speculation. The direct sale of sources and water management networks is the case of obvious privatisation, where one could imagine the consequences. Of course there’s also the less obvious case of indirect water privatisation. It is a process that has started decades ago and its consequences are so devastating for our health that harms our survival. These, both obvious and non-obvious sides of water privatisation is the central theme of Stagones (Waterdrops).